Sometimes we think that to eat a balanced diet we must spend hours in front of the stove or invest our money in eating out every day. However , preparing healthy cooking recipes can be really simple as well as being a significant saving in our economy.

We propose 5 healthy cooking tricks to eat healthy without dying in the attempt:

Consuming legumes 3-4 times a week is possible!

The boat legume is a good choice. If you have time to make a stew for 3 hours congratulations, however, not having that time is no reason to remove legumes from your diet. You can make chickpea stews with vegetables, white beans with zucchini and apple, chickpeas with pumpkin and squid, legume salads, …. Any idea is good as long as it is healthy and does not prevent you from enjoying your leisure time.  Normally the recipes we prepare are for 4 diners so if you are not going to share you are in luck, you will have 3 extra servings to freeze

Cook the vegetables in a big way to ensure your 2 daily servings

If to make a vegetable puree you need vegetables and vegetable broth … why not cook all the vegetables together? So you take out the broth and vegetables for the puree in one swoop. For example, place in a pot 1 pumpkin, 2 carrots, 2 leeks, 4 zucchini, 2 potatoes and plenty of water. When when the  vegetable is cooked crush separately the pumpkin, the 2 carrots, 1 leek, olive oil, nutmeg and black pepper on one side and on the other, zucchini, leek, potato, fresh cheese, olive oil and pepper on the other. If necessary, add a little tracing of the cooking to crush. You have 2 great vegetable creams and a vegetable broth (which you can use to cook a rice or a legume dish) in a single cook. Simple, right?

Stir fry can be frozen

One of my favorite dinners is the French omelette stuffed with zucchini and leek. It sounds very complicated, but nothing could be further from the truth. Chop very fine 2 leeks and 4 zucchini, sauté with a little extra virgin olive oil over very low heat until tender. Let cool and freeze in small portions. When you want to use it, thaw only the necessary portion.

Prepare your tortilla and fill with the vegetables. It will look great if you add a little emmenthal cheese. And the best, you can do this with any vegetable sauté. For example, tomato, eggplant and zucchini will serve to accompany a plate of wholemeal pasta if we add chopped fresh basil and a little grated Parmesan, but we can also use it as a garnish for a grilled fish or fillet. Same with a sautéed red, green and yellow pepper, and onion cut into julienne.

Freeze the vegetables that you are not going to use at the moment

To do this, peel and chop to the desired size depending on the use you have in mind. For example, if you buy a large pumpkin you can peel it and cut it to different sizes. A part you can cut thin and freeze separately to use in a risotto, a soupy rice, a legume stew,… . Another one you can cut into large cubes to make a cream later.

You will simply have to take it out of the freezer and throw it into the pot. What’s more, if since you cut the pumpkin you look with courage and you start peeling and cutting some carrots, the next time you make a puree will be sewing and singing. You can also do it with zucchini. It is important that if you freeze or store the zucchini you remove the skin, otherwise it can become bitter.

Use the oven to prepare dishes that do not require your attention

Sometimes we associate the oven with a lasagna, a roast chicken or limit its use to heating a precooked pizza. However, you can not imagine what the use of the oven can make our lives easier. Eggplant parmesan, zucchini millefeuille, roasted pumpkin to accompany a delicious spinach and feta salad or a simple Ratatouille.

Your only job will be to cut the vegetables into slices and add a little oil and salt. Delicious dishes thanks to the oven that do not require too much effort and will allow us to enjoy our free time.