We are used to hearing that stress is always a problem, something negative and harmful to our life. But it is not always so, in fact, a moderate level of stress, believe it or not, makes our performance optimal. Moreover, there is a term for it: eustress.

This is explained by the well-known Yerkes-Dodson Law, which tells us that if we are not motivated or stressed a little by the situation we live, we get bored. On the other hand, if we are too stressed by circumstances, in the end, they end up surpassing us. To help us find balance in the face of stress, the relaxation techniques that we present below can be very useful:

Deep breathing

We all know how to breathe, yes, but few of us do it correctly to reach a state of relaxation. The breathing that we usually perform in our day to day is known as shallow or social breathing. It consists of breathing through the mouth or nose with little or no use of the diaphragm, either because we contract the abdomen when we take air, or because we raise our shoulders making effort to breathe.

On the other hand, when we take a deep breath, the air intake is always through the nose and the inspirations are much shorter than the expirations, increasing the oxygen available in our body. Specifically, we must breathe in quietly counting mentally up to 3, hold the air for two seconds and then breathe out mentally counting up to 6.

Positive visualization

It is about seeking relaxation by viewing relaxing images. It is a method that is very useful for people who have difficulty concentrating. With it we look for an element that we like and we imagine it in full detail, from sensations to sounds.

It is usually very common to imagine ourselves on the beach, noticing the smell of the sea, listening to the waves and feeling the breeze. It is, in short, to imagine ourselves in a situation or place that we like in detail and in a relaxed way. You can find yourself what situation you find pleasant and try to visualize yourself there in detail, do you dare?

For many people, music helps them generate, feel and express emotions in a simple way.

Listening to relaxing music

For many people, music helps them generate, feel and express emotions in a simple way. Therefore, using music to relax is not such a crazy idea. Moreover, it is a simple method and thanks to the musical lists that we can find by different means.

But not always everything we can find is valid, the music we listen to to relax must meet the following characteristics:

  • Do not include lyrics that distract us
  • They should not contain great changes of rhythms that wake us up from our state of relaxation
  • We must not have associated them with people, emotions or specific situations